L’alliance entre Swift et Chainlink pourrait changer le monde des cryptos

Swift vient de dévoiler un nouveau projet révolutionnaire baptisé « instant international payments ». Ce projet fonctionne avec Chainlink, une société de la Silicon Valley qui a été créée par des experts du Bitcoin.

Blockchain : ce que vous devez savoir


Blockchain technology has the potential to revolutionize the way we interact with the digital world. One of the most promising applications of blockchain is in the area of cryptocurrency. Cryptocurrencies are digital assets that can be used as a medium of exchange, but they are often subject to volatility and fluctuating value. However, by partnering with Swift, Chainlink has created a system that could help stabilize the value of cryptocurrencies. The system works by connecting blockchain-based smart contracts with real-world data, making it possible to track and verify transactions. This could help to create a more stable and secure environment for conducting cryptocurrency transactions.

Quel est le lien entre Swift et Chainlink ?

Swift, the world’s largest provider of cross-border payments, is teaming up with Chainlink, a blockchain-based platform, to explore new ways to improve global payments. The two companies will work together to develop a system that would use blockchain technology to make cross-border payments more efficient and secure. This could potentially revolutionize the way that money is transferred around the world, and make it easier for people to send and receive payments.

Pourquoi cette alliance changerait le monde des cryptos ?

The partnership between Swift and Chainlink has the potential to change the world of cryptocurrencies. Swift is a global payments network that is used by banks and financial institutions. Chainlink is a decentralized network that provides data and information to smart contracts. The partnership between these two companies could make it possible for banks to use blockchain technology to process transactions. This would make transactions more secure and efficient.

Comment utiliser la blockchain à son avantage ?

Swift, the payments network operated by global banks, and Chainlink, a blockchain-based platform that enables smart contracts, have announced a partnership that could change the world of cryptocurrencies. Under the partnership, Chainlink will provide its technology to Swift so that it can offer blockchain-based payment services to its customers. This is a big development because it could potentially make blockchain-based payments more mainstream. It also shows that Swift is committed to innovation and is willing to embrace new technologies.

Quels sont les enjeux pour la blockchain ?

{subheading} Swift, the world’s largest provider of cross-border payments, is teaming up with Chainlink, a blockchain-based platform that enables smart contracts. This partnership could potentially change the world of cryptocurrencies. Under the current system, international payments can take days to process. With blockchain technology, payments could be processed in real-time. This would revolutionize the way businesses operate and could make cross-border trade easier than ever before.

La blockchain est une technologie qui suscite un vif intérêt aujourd’hui, car elle présente de nombreux avantages potentiels. L’alliance entre Swift et Chainlink pourrait permettre de tirer pleinement parti de la blockchain en simplifiant les paiements et en améliorant la sécurité. Cela pourrait avoir un impact significatif sur le monde des cryptomonnaies et ouvrir la voie à d’autres applications possibles de la blockchain.